Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Crab Waffle

Let me preface this post with a little on my love of breakfast.  If I could pick only one meal to eat on any given day it would be the first of the day.  As a child I lived for pancakes on Saturday morning.  Cereal may be my favorite food.  As an adult I will always pick something from the breakfast/brunch menu if a restaurant is awesome enough to serve it all day.  Cracker Barrel on road trips is a must.  While I'm totally "ignoramoose" on the peg game, I'm a genius at picking good breakfast food.

When we shook and I ended up landing on Zest Cafe in North Raleigh, I never imagined one of my morning favorites would end up as part of a seafood appetizer.  

I'll get to that in a minute.  Zest is adorable.  From the fork-knife-and-spoon fence out front, to the gift shop you have to walk through to get to the dining room,  it is cute.  We were thrilled they had a seasonal menu.  I'm convinced seasonal menus mean that the chef must have prepared something special just for me.  Seasonal menus are smaller, fresher, and make a restaurant better.  I truly have more faith in a chef and owner who keep a menu smaller.  

I asked the waitress what the best appetizer was.  She recommended this thing that I called "The Crab Waffle."  Well, I'll say it truly had something for everyone.  It was salty, sweet, spicy, hot, cold, crunchy, soft, raw, and cooked all in one.  It was a sweet Belgian waffle with a tower of spicy slaw with cold crab and shrimp on top.  You can tell they used a cup to mold the crab tower. It was kinda good, but so weird I couldn't get past the crab cocktail on top of the waffle that was kinda mushy.  It was such an odd concoction I really can't say if I liked it or not.  

Greyson with The Crab Waffle

Our dinner entrees were better for sure, but honestly I can't remember what else I ate after the intense insanity that was our appetizer.

Here's to keeping breakfast pure,

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